Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted Access (SIA Only)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Fine and Decorative Art and Design

First Advisor

Maria Sancho Arroyo

Second Advisor

Betsy Thomas


This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis on the Philippine art market,
focusing on its development, current structure, and future prospects. It explores the
geographical and cultural influences that have shaped Philippine art from pre-colonial times through colonial periods to the post-war and contemporary era, outlining the evolution of aesthetic styles and artistic expressions that characterize Philippine art. It examines the key elements that constitute the Philippine art market, including galleries, auction houses, fairs, and museums, and considers the role of government support and other entities that contribute to the market's infrastructure. By mapping out these components, the study highlights the mechanisms through which art is promoted, sold, and appreciated within the country. The analysis also delves into the local art economy, looking into recent developments and trends within the Philippine art market. It contrasts the market performance of Philippine paintings with that of Philippine antiquities, providing insights into consumer preferences and economic dynamics, aiming to identify patterns and factors that influence the market’s growth and stability. Furthermore, it addresses the challenges and opportunities facing the Philippine art market. It discusses various market challenges, such as economic constraints and regulatory issues, while also highlighting emerging opportunities that could drive future growth. By identifying these factors, the study aims to provide a balanced perspective on the market’s potential for development.
