Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted Access (SIA Only)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Art Business

First Advisor

Maria Sancho Arroyo

Second Advisor

Betsy Thomas


This thesis analyzes the life and work of Marisol Escobar, a notable figure in the 1960 New York art scene. Despite her importance and role in the Pop Art movement, along with important artists such as Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, Marisol’s legacy has not been celebrated to the level of her male counterparts. The purpose of the study is to examine the reasons contributing to the removal of Marisol Escobar from art history; it aims to explore different leading expert opinions, along with first hand sources through interviews of close friends, and colleagues. The investigation will begin with a biography of Marisol, spanning all stages of her life. Using evidence and anecdotal references from both first hand, and educated sources. Articles, press, quotes, and important stories will be mentioned which aim to help the reader understand the character behind the art, including her lifestyle, choices and way of thinking which led to her disappearance. Proceeding this, it will delve deeper into the history of the pop art movement, exploring the careers of her peers, and the New York art scene in general in an attempt to understand their success, and the wider scope of the 60s art movement in New York. First hand research such as interviews will be presented forward. Information including literature and press from the time and current will be reviewed and analyzed. Her market in comparison to other important figures of the time will be analyzed in an attempt to understand the current market status for the artist. 3 The thesis aims to answer the question, “Why was Marisol Escobar forgotten from Art History?” This multifaceted question has been of interest to experts and art historians alike, this thesis however differentiates itself by attempting to answer this question from a more personal point of view. With the collaboration of close friends and work colleagues of Marisol, the thesis aims to explore the possible reasons as to Marisol’s disappearance from the history books in a nuanced manner, using facts, and primary evidence. After reviewing all the data, the essay will explore the possible reasons and provide context and weight to each. There are several expert hypotheses which hold weight as plausible explanations for Escobar’s disappearance, commonly historians theorize between four which are the most probable. A combination of these four hypotheses is likely the most probable outcome, A commonly cited reason is due to the fact that Marisol was a woman in a male led pop art movement, the second most cited is the fact that she was introverted and disliked the spotlight, the third reason which is commonly attributed to her disappearance was the fact that she was considered difficult to work with, and finally the fact that she was Latina. The initial hypothesis of this thesis is that Marisol was forgotten from art history due to her difficult and introverted nature. In conclusion, results from this thesis findings suggest that the initial hypothesis was incorrect due to the fact that the most important reason as to her disappearance was originally left out. It is known that Marisol Escobar was at the top of the art world before embarking on two separate hiatuses, the fast paced art world quickly forgot her and it was impossible for her to reclaim those levels of fame.
