
Cato Wong

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Art Business

First Advisor

Eric Wolf


Given the high degree of environmental impact of mega-scale art exhibitions, it is imperative to have strict environmental conservation policies in place to improve sustainability in the art industry. Sustainability is an inevitable future; thus, this study is designed to find the reality of sustainability in the art sector through surveys. Fundamentally, the study aims to study the current sustainable practices, identify the challenges, and discover the intervention points that can be used to enhance environmental stewardship. This study establishes a solid scientific basis for making knowledgeable decisions with the goal of improving environmental efficiency, lessening carbon emission intensity, and finding sustainable strategies for art galleries. The study looks at all the energy consumption phases through a mixed-methods approach that employs Life Cycle Assessment, Ecological Footprint Analysis, and surveys among key industry players. It assesses the carbon footprint of large-scale exhibitions. It studies those key contributors who have the role of exhibition infrastructure, visitors' transportation, and the financial issues of the exhibition. The main objective of this research is to discover the ecological footprint of major exhibitions as well as to determine the criteria for environmentally friendly construction of displays. With the help of surveys and case studies, the research assesses the industry's present sustainability tools and challenges. The results of this study placed policy-making and associated industry practices as essential in promoting environmental conservation within the exhibition industry. This research would assist in the development of more eco-friendly art displays by recommending specific steps, including better infrastructure design, adoption of energy-saving lighting, and shared cargo platforms. The recommendations urge for coordinated activities from the stakeholders to ensure the art business's sustainability. While the results cover a limited geographical area, they offer useful suggestions on what can be done to lessen the environmental 3 impact, shape future policy, and give insights to industry players. This work aims to guide industry decision-making and offer the sector opportunities to achieve environmental responsibility.
