
Jiayu Ou

Date of Award


Document Type

MA Project - Open Access

Project Type

MA Project - Business Plan

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Contemporary Art

First Advisor

Zhang Jin


The existing need or problem that my venture will address is the lack of access and affordability of art therapy services for people who need psychological and emotional support. Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses various forms of art, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, etc., to help clients cope with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, and other mental health issues. Art therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment, where clients can explore their feelings, develop their skills, and build their resilience through art creation. However, art therapy services are often limited by the availability and cost of qualified art therapists, art materials and tools, and physical or virtual spaces. Many people who could benefit from art therapy may not have access to or afford art therapy services, especially in remote or rural areas, or in low-income or marginalized communities. My venture will address this need or problem by creating an online platform that connects clients with art therapists, and provides art therapy services through video calls, chat rooms, and apps. My product/service is an online art therapy platform that will change the way people produce, consume, or distribute art therapy. My platform will allow clients to access art therapy services anytime and anywhere, using their own devices and internet connection. My platform will also allow clients to choose from a variety of art forms, such as visual arts, music, dance, comedy, poetry, etc., and use digital art tools, such as online drawing, painting, or sculpting apps, to create their artworks. My platform will also allow clients to pay for art therapy services according to their income level and insurance coverage, using online payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, or cryptocurrencies. My platform will also allow clients to share their artworks and feedback with other clients, art therapists, and the public, creating an online community and gallery for art therapy.
